In the footsteps of Kenneth Jack...

July 15, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

In the footsteps of Kenneth Jack…


It’s not often you go on a journey with someone long gone from this world, but I did.


By chance, I came across a second-hand edition of Queensland Paintings and Drawings by artist Kenneth Jack.  The book documented his travels and artworks in the Queensland outback, complete with a map showing the towns and places represented in the book.

Something about Kenneth’s work just gelled with me.  His subject was usually rural or outback Australia in the days of old. He has a way with light and colour and I loved his detailed architecture…I couldn’t put his book down.


Pure inspiration struck.  There was nothing else for it than to go on Jack’s journey.  Tent - tick, camping gear – tick, camera equipment (of course) - tick and my 4 wheel drive at the ready – tick.


For the next couple of weeks my wife Minna and I tracked down many towns and places depicted in Jack’s paintings and drawings and the inspiration from his works never faltered.  There will be, must be, more to come from Jack’s study of our land.


I hope you enjoy my photographic take on the works of a wonderful artist, Kenneth Jack


Find out more about Kenneth Jack through or by visiting the website



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